What an incredible, jaw-dropping collection of mineral specimens from around the world! Such size, color, geometry, variety, complexity/simplicity. Wow.

In all these years of coming to Milano, I had never been to the Museo di Storia Naturale di MilanoThe Natural History Museum of Milan – though I had passed it many times. Due to Covid precautions, I’m not traveling beyond Milan much this time, so I’m doing more exploration right here in town.

I looked up the museum online and saw that they have the mineral collection, so I went specifically to see it. (I’ll save the rest of the museum for another visit.)

When I first entered the collection space, I faced handwritten ledgers documenting the collection, plus illustrations and beautiful instruments. Then I walked into the grand hall and marveled at the stones in front of me.

I found Opal, Quartz, Flourite, Beryl, Topaz, Gold, Silver and Copper. The Zolfo – Sulfur – is brilliant yellow, and the specimens are huge, wonderfully-formed crystals. Schorl-Elbaite is Tourmaline. Impressive! 

The museum visit was a great way to spend one of the few rainy afternoons we’ve had in the last few weeks.